Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hey, uh...

Just wanted to give a 'I'm alive.' notice. Lots of stuff to tell, lots not to as well. Going to try something called kettlebell and some chakra clearing Kundalini yoga. For those who are going 'huh?' Kundalini is yoga that is not boring. I know it looks weird, but it kicks your cosmically enlightmented ass.

Oh and it's all spiritual and stuff, but mostly, it isn't boring. Plus the people who practice it look crazy happy. I could use some happy, less crazy, or at least not you know, more crazy. Still doing Hatha yoga once a week but yeah, standing still and breathing makes me kinda antsy. Kundalini is breathing and moving and all kinds of stuff happening at once. So I don't end up mentally writing my grocery list or something.

So I'm trying this Maya Fiennes covers chakras as well. What the hell, ya know? Next Saturday I'll be 44 and frankly, I don't care to keep going on like this and now that I'm determined to keep going and worried about not being able to, I'll give it a go.

Hey, did you know you can get these cool things called 'Playaways' at the library? They are little MP3 players with the book loaded. I have something plugged in most times, another playing in the car, another on the iTouch at the gym.

Car = The Turn of the Screw
Gym= The Black Dahlia
House= Insomnia

Uh, my state of mind isn't necessary represented by those choices...

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